Tuesday 30 November 2010

If there is a God what does he or she look like?

I saw this question today and it interested me. Not because I’m religious, which I’m not, but mainly because of my disbelief of god. I realise this is a sensitive topic and I don’t disapprove people for believing in God in the slightest. But it’s a simple question such as this that for me disproves the theory entirely. Every image of god depicts a man, which is horrifically sexist to start. If there is a god, a superior being, why does he appear in a human form? Or to put it another way, why can’t he be a feline, a bird or a reptile? What makes him fall in our species, when he created all living things. All are supposed to be equal as the bible goes. 

                I suppose an answer to this could be we are the superior species, but how do we know this for sure. Say, for example, a species as unnoticeable as the fly, are much more intelligent, allowing us mere humans go about our lives, believing we are superior, whilst they have an unquestionable ability to create and transmit killer disease throughout humans instantly to reduce our numbers. Granted, a slightly farfetched theory (worth noting it’s perhaps as bizarre as parting water and turning water to wine) but just saying there’s a possibility.

                Back to my main argument, what does make him appear in the human form? Slightly extreme example again, but it’s the same stereotypical view people have with aliens, their ideas of them tending to be largely similar to the human form with a few peculiar amendments such as large, disproportioned, pulsating heads, or slimy tentacles. And that they would arrive in a spaceship, just an adapted, advanced form of the airplane. I think this is completely naïve, as to survive on different planets and completely different climates, technologies etc, etc… they would appear in a way none of us could ever imagine. 

                In the same way, why should god, appear as a human, with exactly the same appearance? Should he not be superior to us, in a completely advanced, perfect living entity? Yes. He should, but no one knows what this ‘form’ is and therefore can't yet exist.


  1. Just for the sake of argument Mark, the reason -in my opinion of course- we sometimes see God as in human form, is because he is so much more superior and omnipotent that we cannot possibly imagine what he looks like. We can imagine there is a God, some philosophers would argue the trademark argument and ontological argument prove the existence of God through reason and intuition,(but that's another 'argument' for another day) but we cannot possibly imagine what he looks like.
    My thoughts about the sexist is he a man or woman thing, The Bible represents him as 'our Father' thus implying he is a man, but does he have to be either, after all he is all powerful and all knowing, he isn't human, and he is just something that we have to have faith in without knowing all the answers.
    Just saying :p

  2. Thing is grace, refering to your ontological argument, we can't possibly concieve what he looks like. This is because this form would mean that essentially he is perfect, and perfection is simply immpossible to achieve. Even if one were to become perfect in every way, shape or form, solely the knowledge that there is nothing better to become or achieve and the ill content of this is enough to disrupt this perfection, basically meaning its a never ending catch 22. Simply believing in a perfection makes perfection impossible. So therefore making god an impossible being.

    Besides your well structured argument, the bible continuously refers to god as a he and as a human, in its descriptions of his actions and senses. But what makes him even human, or have the same senses and feelings as us.
    I do think your right on one hand, I perhaps do have an inability to have faith in something without proof, and without knowledge.

    One question I would like ask though, is do believers think their religion is flawed?

    Ps, would however like to note, I certainly do not disagree with having faith, that is admirable in manys eyes.

  3. haha fair enough. God is perfect, just because we cannot possibly understand it, doesn't mean it isn't real.
    And God as a human refers to Jesus, who was God's son in human form, it is difficult to explain that God is 'Father, Son and Holy Spirit' because I don't fully understand it myself, that's what faith is though.
    And to answer your question, religion isn't flawed, people are flawed.
