Wednesday 20 October 2010

3 words

So if you were asked the question, ‘in 3 words, describe yourself?’ what would you say?

This is a question I’ve heard at an interview before and it stumped me. I mean how can someone sum themselves up in three words? Now of course, with this question relevant to the interview, they were just looking for three key attributes of mine that would sell myself to this job, which I realised after a few seconds. But I’ve got a blog to write so I shall conveniently ignore this and make my point.
How can a person seriously, round themselves up in three words? How can a person ask that of someone? And is the question referring to my opinion of myself generally or simply today’s mood? It’s so vague. As for the words, it would take years to find the precise, individual words that could describe someone’s character, traits or personality but moreover years for someone to simply identify themselves as a person. For me this question beggars belief, there’s too much individuality in every single one of us, that there’s not even enough words to describe.
Can a person describe themselves in three words?
No they can’t.

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