Thursday 12 May 2011

Jelly and Soup

The question is, do we eat or drink them? I feel a new word needs to be created.

I mean, you don’t really chew either, they are both essentially a liquid but both classed as a food. This grudgingly annoys me. They need to be classified under a separate title, so it could be like, ‘would you like some food, drink or (insert here).’ And possibly more importantly, the definition of consumption of both of these needs to be sorted. Both are consumed in a sort of, ‘sook’ fashion (the classic Scottish word defining that very adequately.) No chewing is necessary, but it’s not quite a simple drink job, especially because of the use of cutlery. Can’t quite identify what bothers me so much about this, but it does. Somebody needs to sort this madness!

Thursday 3 February 2011

Invention of the space bar.

InfactIbetmostpeoplethatseteyesonthiswon’tevenperceivertoreaditall. IknowIwouldn’t. Wordscouldbespealtwrong,anditwouldbemuchhardertoknow.

Friday 10 December 2010


Okay, so I’m going to try a more serious post than the last few jovial ones. 
I’m led to believe that gingers, or the Red Headed Gene, are dying out. Within possibly 100 years scientist believe that ginger will in fact no longer be a hair colour. Which got me thinking, could this have possibly happened before?

                What’s to say year’s, perhaps more realistically, millenniums ago, that other types of hair colours existed, such as blue or green. Yes, a slightly extreme theory, but none the less a realistic possibility. To me, there seems a trend towards brighter coloured hairs having the recessive gene. Ginger, possibly the brightest currently surviving, is simply a toned down version of red. So why can’t a dull green or blue have existed? They were perhaps just a terribly recessive gene and didn’t last very long, but there is a chance this could’ve been true, why shouldn’t there have been?

I figure this would have existed long before historians or anybody could record. Or simply that at the time it seemed normal and nobody took much notice or felt the need to record? An argument against could be that we all descended from apes, as evolution tells, so why isn’t there blue coloured apes? Well it would appear there are. The Diademed Monkey, a species found in central and east Africa, disproves this argument, and indeed highlights the possibility that there may have been Blue haired people.
                Just simply because it seems so bizarre to someone today, doesn’t mean it’s incorrect. A whole spectrum of colours exist, why is, or more accurately, why did hair colour get restricted to black, brown, blonde and ginger?

Thursday 9 December 2010

Imagine Numbers were Letters...

3185211436 322217251866 2211925261472221 1210, 1587 2118518 226 72118 1621718. 72118 2518771856 6714117 1925 1826151856, 710181712 62211 221 7271425. 7211812 14518 221 2517185 195226 2118, 1587 671457 147 1 22167181417 219 14. 


I was unable to post Blogs recently. The recent weather made my Blog inaccessible.

Too Slow.

So I just realised I had to go out in 5 minutes, but had decided previously I was going to write a blog before I left, but had left it too late. Which I when I decided to give my the challenge to write a blog in this allocated time slot. I had to chose a topic, and talk about all within 5 minutes. Which got me thinking, can a blog be done in 5 minutes? I suppose it depends on different peoples interpretations of a blog, whether it is to them a quick exercise to get some thoughts down, or whether in fact it’s a much more time consuming task, carefully constructing arguments or points with a degree of evidence or background knowledge. So with two minutes to go, I figured I was slightly behind with the word count. Even in the time it took me to write that, I had 1 minute left. This is when I decided a blog can’t be written in 5 minutes. It takes to long. Times up.

Tuesday 30 November 2010

If there is a God what does he or she look like?

I saw this question today and it interested me. Not because I’m religious, which I’m not, but mainly because of my disbelief of god. I realise this is a sensitive topic and I don’t disapprove people for believing in God in the slightest. But it’s a simple question such as this that for me disproves the theory entirely. Every image of god depicts a man, which is horrifically sexist to start. If there is a god, a superior being, why does he appear in a human form? Or to put it another way, why can’t he be a feline, a bird or a reptile? What makes him fall in our species, when he created all living things. All are supposed to be equal as the bible goes. 

                I suppose an answer to this could be we are the superior species, but how do we know this for sure. Say, for example, a species as unnoticeable as the fly, are much more intelligent, allowing us mere humans go about our lives, believing we are superior, whilst they have an unquestionable ability to create and transmit killer disease throughout humans instantly to reduce our numbers. Granted, a slightly farfetched theory (worth noting it’s perhaps as bizarre as parting water and turning water to wine) but just saying there’s a possibility.

                Back to my main argument, what does make him appear in the human form? Slightly extreme example again, but it’s the same stereotypical view people have with aliens, their ideas of them tending to be largely similar to the human form with a few peculiar amendments such as large, disproportioned, pulsating heads, or slimy tentacles. And that they would arrive in a spaceship, just an adapted, advanced form of the airplane. I think this is completely naïve, as to survive on different planets and completely different climates, technologies etc, etc… they would appear in a way none of us could ever imagine. 

                In the same way, why should god, appear as a human, with exactly the same appearance? Should he not be superior to us, in a completely advanced, perfect living entity? Yes. He should, but no one knows what this ‘form’ is and therefore can't yet exist.